The Facts
“Alliance Defending Freedom has been leading that war [against the LGBTQ community] for a long time, with tens of millions of dollars to do it.”
Since 2012, the Arizona-based hate group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has received over $1,000,000 from Arizona taxpayers purchasing “In God We Trust” license plates.
ADF is a dangerous, out-of-touch, extremist group that uses religion as a weapon and works to undermine access to reproductive care and the separation between religion and government. And your purchase of this specialty license plate supports their hate.
It’s time we do something to stop this deceptive license plate scam.
Tell Your Story
Are you an Arizona taxpayer who purchased the “In God We Trust” plate and opposes Alliance Defending Freedom’s hateful attacks on our LGBTQ neighbors?
Have you faced discrimination because of ADF’s extreme agenda?
We want to hear from you!

ADF’s Hateful Agenda
Legalizing Discrimination Against LGBTQ People
ADF has pioneered the “License to Discriminate” attack on the rights of LGBTQ people to access government services, public accommodations, housing, healthcare and employment. ADF believes that religion should trump civil rights protections for LGBTQ people. Learn more.
Undermining Access to Reproductive Care
ADF works to pass legislation and policies that allow hospitals and other health services providers to deny reproductive care based on their religious beliefs. They defend so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” — fake clinics that proselytize rather than provide care, while at the same time working to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Learn more.
Attacking Religious Freedom and the Separation of Religion and Government
ADF is working to undermine the religious equality of all Americans by imposing their extreme religious beliefs on everyone else. They advocate for broad religious exemptions in the law, affecting everything from taxes and local schools to state and federal public policy.
Arizona should not be fundraising for an extreme organization on a mission to undermine the separation of religion and government.

Standing Up for Equality
Pass the Arizona License Plate Transparency Act
Arizona State Senator Juan Mendez has proposed a bill (SB 1462) that would require the Arizona Department of Transportation’s Motor Vehicle Division to clearly indicate the names of groups that receive money through the specialty plate program.
Stop Funding a Hate Group
We urge Arizonans to purchase difference license plate designs that support other important causes, such as cancer research, wildlife conservation, education, veterans, and hunger relief. Have you purchased an “In God We Trust” license plate and want your money back from ADF? Let us know!
Sen. Mendez has also proposed a bill (SB 1463) that would stop the donation of fees collected from the “In God We Trust” license plates to ADF.
Alliance Defending Freedom is one of the most dangerous religious extremist groups in the United States. They are fighting to undermine the rights of millions of Americans and push their distorted views on religion onto the rest of us.